Tuesday, 17 September 2013


I have officially changed my status from "Ellen, the girl anxiously awaiting a surgery date" to "Ellen, girl with a surgery date"!! I'll be having surgery on October 30!!
Unfortunately there is bad news along with it. As we  all probably know, the oral surgeon is quite busy and books waaay in advance, so actually I'm pretty surprised at how close mine is (good surprised of course!) However, out of alll of the days in the year....they chose the same day I was going to see Les Mis in Toronto. Figures.
We could have postponed, but then it wouldn't be until, very vaguely,  the "new year" so ah, no thank you. I've been waiting long enough as it is. So we'll either be getting our money back (in like, giftcard form which we might put towards the Lion King in the spring anyway so it evens out I guess) or, if we can figure out a date that works they might be able to change our ticket date. Finger crossed.
Anyway, I have all of my appointments booked now (doctors physical, molds, attaching the hooks for elastics, day before surgery appt, SURGERY, and finally my very first ortho checkup post op) 
Needless to say I am a VERY excited girl right now. I remember when I was only about 10, maybe even younger, and they first told me I would be getting braces around the age of 15. That felt like a lifetime away and it's already been two years. I knew I would be getting surgery around age 17 (they were actually very accurate)  and that felt like an entirely different universe, and now here I am emotionally and mentally prepping myself!!
I'll be doing a lot of research in this next month(ish) and planning (I have to plan everything it's a sickness). 

This is almost too exciting to even put into words though, really. I've been waiting for so long, and I've gone through the past three months of disappointing put offs....and now finally it's set. I can't believe it. It's like finally it really truly seems real to me, I don't know any other way to explain it.

Anyway, that's enough of my ramblings. 
The countdown is on!!!
(42 days)