Friday, 30 October 2015

Two Years Post Op Today!!

I can NOT believe two years has passed already since I had my double jaw surgery!!!

This won't be a long post, because nothings really changing anymore...but it's just a really insane milestone. I remember thinking I wasn't going to make it past the week mark and here I am!!

It isn't all perfect but I don't expect it to be. When you had a bite like mine, you pretty much settle for way better rather than perfect. Don't nitpick, just be happy. (However, the right side of my face where the nerve is damaged is rather annoying....and a bit droopier in appearance but maybe that's just me being critical of myself idk)

ANYWAY it's been a crazy two years. I still can't believe the braces are off. The retainer is a pain though, but I've been on top of that adamantly. I will NOT be one of those people. I've come so far, I don't want to ruin it by being lazy. Sure, when I'm taking it out in public (at university) to eat or drink I feel like I'm in middle school again, but hey...I'd rather keep my teeth straight than either not eat or not wear it because I don't want to deal with it in front of people (who actually haven't been too bad about least not in front of me)

That's all I really have to say...all in all I'm incredibly glad I went through with the surgery. Even when I'm feeling down and wondering if the numbness/nerve damage was worth it, I look at picture pre surgery and am just amazed how big a difference it really made.

So yeah, that's me two years later.

Au revoir for now, friend



  1. Hi Ellen, no idea if you will read this it'a been ages since your blog post..but thank you so much for your blog..i'm going through my brace journey at the moment exactly the same underbite that you had with a long chin..been so hard and still a long way to go another year at least. I'm so insecure about my appearance i'm focusing on creating some childrens books for a charity to keep my mind off it..I'm 27 and left it late because i'm silly but I had uni and I didn't really notice or care till I had random strangers insult me about it. Thanks again I can't wait till this journey ends By Leila X

    1. Hi!! I got this very late but I'm so so glad that I could provide help to you!!! If this blog has helped even one person then I say it's been so worth it! I know that the posts available for me to read were SO helpful in the years before, and the months following surgery. That sounds like a really cool thing though!!! I'm an artist, so illustration is something I'm interested in if that's what you're into so I'd love to see any finished results!!!

      But yeah, I 100% feel you on the insecurity. I still struggle just due to societal standards, but before surgery was intense self doubt and dislike so I really really feel for you. People sure don't make it easy on us!!!

      Thanks again for reading, and again I am so happy that I was able to provide info and support to you in some way <3

      xxxx ellen

    2. Hello again! Yay happy to hear from you :) Whenever I feel down or sad about my jaw I look at your blog and feel better <3 <3 I met this amazing person called Kelly who set up this positivity charity so I will create these books for that I won't earn much but at least it will go to the orphanage in Uganda. We are creating a TV channel too :) very exciting hehe and I would love to share the stories with you :) your more than welcome to join the site and share anything as a positivity patron <3

    3. The website hasn't launched yet still need to finish graphics but your blog has been a ray of light for many your such an angel all jaw bloggers are! Thanks again Take care Leila xx
