Monday, 13 August 2012


Well hey there everyone!
I'm a little late starting, but I have decided to officially start my own blog all about my life concerning my orthodontic work!
So, I don't have any pictures to post as of now, but for my first post I'll just explain a little of what I know.
I am sixteen now and have been going to the orthodontist since I was at least eight or nine years old. I've gone through countless retainers, overnight headgear, spacers blah blah blah all of that fun stuff.
My teeth were pretty crooked, I must say, mainly my bottom teeth. Two of them, (canines maybe? I'm not sure...they're the pointed one pretty much everyone has, right next to the two middle ones) were waaay below where they should have been (you have to see pictures to understand, which I will hopefully be able to find!)
I also have a quite severe underbite. I am not exactly sure of how many millimeters, but I do know that it is VERY noticeable. I was never even aware of it until about halfway through grade seven when somebody told them that a boy in the the grade eight class had nicknamed me "Underbite" (I know, very original...and typical, shallow boys/people these days). Ever since then, it has become my biggest insecurity (of course, I would have noticed eventually...I just imagine it would have been several years later). I began to quit smiling or, when I did smile, I was VERY self conscious. I spent hours in front of the mirror trying to perfect my coverup which, eventually, I did pretty well. Although it is still very noticeable, and there isn't much I can do about when I smile, it's a lot better looking than it really is. (pictures of my coverups later)
Anyways, I've had my braces on for a year as of September 27th (the same day I get my G2 lisence! yay!). My orthodontist has told me that I need them on for about two years before surgery, but I'm hoping and praying that I will be ready to do this by the beginning of next summer, as it takes (or so I've heard) about 6 to 8 weeks to even be able to eat normal food again! I definitely do NOT want to be in school, or miss any of it! (I'm kind of a nerd!)
I DO know that right now, I am 100% committed to doing this no matter how nervewracking it is, and will be! I am so tired of being insecure every where I go, and feeling eyes one me constantly. I can't be sure that what I'm feeling is true, but wherever I go it's almost as though I can feel people judging me on my underbite, something that I can't even control! Even at school I've had people (mainly the shallow, jerks/jocks who are too big headed to even think about the fact that I did NOT in fact CHOOSE to have an underbite)
And you know, GOD FORBID I'm not beautiful and perfect.
Oh well, at least I have good grades, and I have art to help me through, as well as a few close friends (:
I don't want to be "popular" by any means, just not judged, I want to be accepted by the populars even if I'm not one of them.
You know what I mean?

I don't even know if anyone is going to read this blog! When it comes time for my surgery, I'll most likely do some YouTube videos - who knows. I probably won't be posting TOO often either, until my surgery comes close or I have some important news regarding my work!
Either way, I just like knowing that my opinions and my 'adventure' is out there, available to anybody else who may be in the same boat, looking for advice, or for comfort. To know they aren't alone, to make sure what's happening is normal, to get answers, to calm their nerves!
Hopefully I can help at least one person!
Anyways, this post is extremely long, I promise it will be the longest one I write!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I know that feeling all too well... I have an underbite and I'm really self-concious about my teeth 24/7 and about my appearance in general. Even though I'm a pretty good looking guy. Girls like me, but I don't like myself so I have a hard time with them nowadays. I used to be really confident and always had girls falling in love with me. Now, I've been pretty depressed for a few years, but I've lost a lot of weight though so I'm pretty close to being over that problem at least. But my damn teeth... A slight underbite, lot of cavities, crossbites in lower teeth and one lower front tooth has pushed itself forward and it looks very stupid. I also think that my jaw probably needs to be move back.. Doesn't sound too pleasant? My insecurities along with my shitty attitude about them really keep me from enjoying anything. Yesterday I, for the millionth time, deciced to stop drinking sugary poisons, munching sweets or anything of the sorts. It's going to be a challenge, and all that just to maintain this current, not too good state of my teeth. I've tried that many times before... I always do good for a while, like visit the dentist a couple of times and eat healthy. Then I go back to my same, unhealthy, nerd lifestyle. On Monday I'm going to call the dentist and get myself an appointment and try harder than ever to keep it up. I always have a hard time sticking to anything and this is probably going to be a few year process so.. Oh yeah, and it's not free neither. Gotta get some estimates on everything so I can start saving money.. First couple of years are probably gonna be full of basic dentist appointments so we can get these cavities fixed before starting on other work. Optimistically speaking, plenty of time to save up money for surgeries or whatever I might have to go through.

    How are you doing by the way? Surgery coming up in a few months by my calculations?

    P.S. I checked out your pics and I think you're gorgeous! I can't wait to see your after surgery pictures because even with your underbite, you do look very attractive in my opinion. After your surgery, I'm sure I'll be able to call you a 9 or a 10! Even now, the things I would do to you... Haha, sorry. No way to talk to a lady. :D

    1. Sorry about such a late reply! I don't check my email too often :P
      It does really suck that dentist and orthodontist work isn't covered (well, I'm in Canada so I mean by OHIP, not sure where you are) because they really do affect your physical health (dentist, moreso) as well at mental health which should be considered just as big an issue as physical health problems. I hate that we live in a world where I have to be ashamed of myself simply because my jaw is not aligned. I mean, I'm ashamed of something that I had zero control over. Unlike you, however, I've never had anyone "falling over me". As far as I know, there has never been a guy interested in me ever, which as we all know is a real blow to your self esteem especially as a teenager.
      Anyway, I'm doing alright, thanks for asking (: I'm hoping to god my surgery will be at the beginning of this summer, that way it will be done for my grade twelve year which will be awesome. I really don't want it done in the middle of the school year. I have an appointment with my ortho May 15 so hopefully I'll get to set a date then! If not I'll probably get really frustrated :P
      Anyway, thanks for your comment I really appreciate people sharing their stories!
      PS thank you so much, even though zero percent of me believes it (:
