ok so I have some pictures! they're old ones, one of my front and profile at ten, and some more at 14- almost 15. these are all orthodontist taken pictures, I still haven't gotten around to finding any others that really show my jaw. anyways here they are! as you can see, my face isn't quite as long as an underbite makes it at these ages, but it hs worsened as I've matured. at ten you can hardly tell at all, at fourteen the main traits are in the front, the profile isn't too- still not regular, though. my teeth, as my orthodontist has told me, almost knew in a way that they weren't right and so they tried to hide it by tilting. the tops are tilted out slightly, the bottoms are tilted largely backwards - I hadn't even realized how bad it was, or that it was even happening until he told me, and more so with braces! anyways, tomorrow I'll have pictures of me now I can you can see how it's progressed, how much straighter my teeth are, and how to underbite has progressed (especially worse because of the braces, which is normal)

me at ten years old, you can see that my profile looks fairly normal...though slightly puffy for some reason! and just a little bit unnatural (in fact, looking at this it looks just like my younger brother with longer hair and he's ten now! weird!) the front though, you can see isn't so great. i also came across some records, which said that my bottom jaw was actually more to the left than it should be. I have noticed this, but i wasn't sure if I was just being paranoid or what! I was never actually informed formally of this!

so, obviously these are the ones at almost fifteen years old, about a year and seven months or so ago. I definitely look different than the one taken when i was ten! like I said above, my face isn't quite as long here as an underbite causes your face to be- however, I'm assuming that this is because I'm young. Possibly, my face is considerably longer compared to others at this age. I know that now, over a year later my face has matured more and my face is longer. It does look longer in the profile, though, than from the front. The underbite still isnt quite as noticeable as it is now - maybe i was subconsciously blocking it like i taught myself to do! i don't exactly remember! It definitely is different than normal profiles, my chin is more pronounced and the bottom jaw is noticeably too far forwards. But I suppose it isn't as bad as I always thought it was. Still, in high school, people are shallow jerks so it was probably bad enough for them. In fact, I know it was because one of my 'friends' told me about one of the football guys mocking me. Nice, right? Good thing I don't plan on, nor have I ever planned on, associating with them during or after school.
below is just an xray of my profile, where you can see the actual teeth in a very noticeable underbite, probably atleast 5mm I would say - so quite large - and increased after braces yay! -_-
so here are some of my teeth, obviously. you can see what i mean now by "tilted", basically pointing towards eachother, and moreso my bottoms considering that the top jaw is almost in the right spot (cant remember if it's being moved forwards or back, but i'm think forwards). anyways, you can also see the horrible crowding, and also those two canines that I had said in my last post were 'underneath' the bottom, middle teeth. thankfully, that has been fixed ! (again, pictures tomorrow!) As well, this crowding is still after several pulled teeth! not fun! hopefully I'm not going to need anymore after my wisdoms, which were done last august! I still can't believe it was so long ago!!

oh and here is one more of my at fourteen, which I didn't notice had been pushed down here! and i don't feel like moving and reformatting, so yeah. From the front, much worse than at ten - the underbite much more progressed - but still the same idea, making it worse looking from the front. I don't smile much - especially not like this! I can't wait until I'm able to, without being insecure! And I can't wait to feel my teeth together in the right way! I've heard that running your teeth along them once their aligned is an amazing feeling and I expect it is! so many people take something so simple for granted, while, for people like me, it's actually one of our biggest wishes!
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