Happy Thanksgiving to any of my Canadian counterparts! I love autumn, it is hands down my favourite season and I wish it lasted longer (with the leaves and the jacket/sweater weather and the prettiness). I don't like hot, and I don't like cold, and spring is even worse with the slush and the ew. I mean sure it's a nice sort of 'rebirth' of nature if you will, with all of the plants regrowing but.....no thanks you. It is sort of ironic though, how the prettiest season is one in which things are dying.
Anyway, seventeen days to go until surgery! I'm not sure that I'm really nervous at this point, I'm thinking it's because it just isn't close enough yet. The nerves will probably kick in right before. However, this is more of a positive surgery. I'm not going into it going "wow I hope this works" or "I hope I survive" sort of thing, right, so there isn't quite as much to be nervous about. I AM excited though, for sure. Like I've said before, this is something I have hated for so long and the fact that in seventeen days it's going to be completely gone is just so surreal. Everytime I look in the mirror these days I just think that soon I'm never going to see this reflection again (a good realization, but also a strange one). Plus, I can't wait to feel confident when I'm posing for pictures! That's going to be an amazingly refreshing feeling. And biting into things, honestly, is going to be one of the best parts. I mean right now when I bite into a sandwich I can't get through the whole thing so the insides either get pulled out or I have to awkwardly push it all against my teeth (usually with a finger - so not attractive) when I hope no one is looking.
One of the weirdest first feelings though is obviously going to be running a tongue along rows of teeth that actually line up. I can't even comprehend that right now.
But I'm excited that's for sure. I just got a new job at Tim Hortons, Justin Bieber is doing his Music Mondays (and his movie is coming out this Christmas ah), I'm going to see both Paramore and Pink in concert as well as Les Mis, and now I get my surgery done too. This is going to be the greatest year end yet! And it will definitely be one of my best years, in my opinion. Justin Bieber, the Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, prom and graduation all on top of this - amazing (for me at least).
Anyway, here are some pictures of my day at the Orchard in my town (ish - about ten minutes outside). So beautiful, and there's nothing better than fresh apples in the fall on a hayride <3 Anyway, my underbite is pretty prominent in these, but on the plus side I am in love with my scarf/jacket and my hair semi co operated so I'm not complaining (:

oh and my cousins candy apple, which she could barely even eat without braces/underbite hahaha, how sad

Happy Thanksgiving, and happy fall! (it's a celebration all it's own)