I just fully realized that I'm making post surgery posts now. Incredible. It feels like just yesterday I was stressing out and wishing the surgeon would call with my damn date already.
Like I said yesterday, things are getting loads better, thank god. There is barely any pressure at this point, and not much pain. I'm taking my medication whenever I feel I need it (as long as it's been longer than five hours) and I can go quite a bit longer than the five. I still haven't managed to motivate myself to keep eating often so I'm not exactly keeping my nutrition and weight up well..I'll probably go and drink a Boost after posting this because I feel bad.
My family has also left me for the day for my brothers hockey tournament and of course, today of all days, people keep deciding to call the house. Sorry people, I can't answer on account of I can't talk.
I don't have too much to say today, it was just a plain old boring day. Had some boost, cleaned my mouth/teeth, watched Supernatural, wrote my NaNo, was lazy. There isn't much else to do really when you're recovering from jaw surgery. Normally I'd be eating my boredom away but we all know that isn't going to happen. I did manage to have my first post op cup of tea though. It took me a good twenty minutes and it felt weirder to drink than anything else for some reason.
I've also started yawning again. Not as often as I did pre surgery, but at night before I go to bed I have to fight the urge to yawn. A few times I haven't been able to hold it back and let me tell you it is the weirdest thing ever. First I feel like I'm about to rip my jaw open and yawn, so I have to put my hand (gently, I had genioplasty also) on my chin and hold it in place while I attempt to yawn through a clenched, closed jaw. Uncomfortable, and also it makes my left ear pop. And not the usual, daily random popping where the sound changes a little bit either. No, it's like there was a block over my ear and suddenly I can hear like, EVERYTHING. Not sure how I feel about this yet but.....it's weird, that's for sure. I'll be making sure I'm caught up on sleep to keep it at a minimum, that's for sure!
I'm hoping I'll feel good to drive on Monday. Not really sure if there's any protocol on that one...I know I can't exactly turn my neck well as it hurts my jaw a bit and even though I don't do shoulder checks as often as I should, there are some situations where it's definitely necessary....however, I refuse to take the bus because for some reason the bumps are 100 time worse on a bus than in my car which will not be pleasant for my jaw for obvious reasons.
Anyway, I just wanted to give a little update so I don't forget and end up missing it again haha. I would post pictures but I literally look the same as I did the last time I posted so. I'll post some tomorrow though just for kicks. I personally don't think the swelling has gone down anymore yet but who knows maybe I just haven't noticed.
I also can't smile. Not even a little one, not without it hurting at least, as my family knows very well when they keep making me laugh. Even then my lips move like a fraction of an inch so it doesn't look like I'm smiling anyway.
God I just can't wait to finally be able to see the bite I've gone through this torture for! I just have to keep reminding myself that before I know it I'll be saying one month, five months, a year post op and this will all be a distant memory and I'll be chomping down on a delicious sandwich that is not followed by entrails hanging from my teeth.