Thursday, 28 November 2013

Week 4!!

Look at that I'm not even posting daily and I still can't manage to post on time! 
Anyway, I'm finally drinking from a straw and it is SOOOO much better!! It's still a bit of effort positioning the straw in order to get my lips around it enough to suck but better than dribbling for sure! 
I've also begun to eat more solid foods just swallowing them in tiny pieces like the sautéed mushrooms I ate the other night cut up into the tiniest things ver hahahah.  We went to Boston Pizza Sunday night and I just had a virgin strawberry daiquiri since they don't have smoothies or milkshakes (wtf) and I tore apart some french fries off my cousins plate and swallowed pieces. My mouth opens alot wider now so I can fit a spoon inside to eat soup though I still dribble, plus I can now brush inside my teeth!!

I'm going to see my surgeon on Tuesday December third and then hopeully the week after the splint will come off! I can't believe this Saturday marks my one month!! And what better way to celebrate than going to see Pink on Monday!! :D 

My swelling is better but my cheeks are still sort of puffy and everyone says I look way younger because of it, like I still have my baby fat or something. Plus I still have this double chin look but hey at least it will go away eventually. 
My lip is finally starting to regain feeling I think as now when something touches it there is a faint tingling, so slowly but surely! My chin is still a work in progress. 

I went back to work on Monday (I work at Tim Hortons) and I've just been doing deli and drive thru make or runner, so I don't have to really talk too much, and I'm not interacting with customers yet but now I have money coming in again thank god haha. 

Anyway I think that's about it for this week! Christmas is approaching and I'm looking forward to eating my way straight through!! 
less creepy smile yay!

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Day 21 and 22

I'm just gonna mix these day up for my last daily post. I went to a Paramore concert on day 21(Wednesday) which also marked three weeks since surgery yay! What a way to celebrate and they were absolutely fantastic.  
Anyway it was a tiring day as we spent the day in Toronto walking around and I mean, I'm not exactly in a position to snack throughout the day as I'm still on liquids and I still am incapable of using a straw so I drink from a cup and still dribble. I had some potato soup which we asked for in a mug (cue strange looks from waitress pending the explanation) at a restaurant that had this really cool table in this like, I don't really know what to call it other than a nook. It was tucked away into it's own little room which was nice because no one saw me dribbling. But everyone else got really delicious looking food and they gave me the bread that comes with the soup which was rather depressing to say the least. But I took my friends french fry and broke it into small pieces, squished them flat and stuck them through my little gap and swallowed them whole. It was hard so I didn't eat a lot but man they tasted good. At the concert I was obviously standing the whole time screaming my head off and singing as loud as I could (which wasn't very considering I can't open my mouth very wide or speak clearly) Needless to say I wore my jaw out pretty good and it was pretty tired this  morning as was I as I didn't get to bed until 2 and woke at 6:40 for school. I could go into an essay style rant about early school mornings for days but I'll save that hahaha. 

Anyway so ya I also realized yesterday that my gums are numb too. I'm not sure why but I didn't even think of them this whole time until yesterday I tried to get a piece of food out and realized I couldn't feel my proxy brush. It's weird because I've been prodding them with a proxy brush for three weeks now and I only just realized now. So that joins the ranks of my bottom lip on the right and my chin. 

Today, day 22, I went to see my oral surgeon (not sure if I mentioned that I was seeing a different doctor but I ended up seeing Dr Barr in the end) Anyway basically he said I have probably about three more weeks with the splint which is not super exciting news but I guess I can handle it. He also said that it's normal that I still can't close my lips naturally but I should do little exercises, and I can use a straw if I can manage it. I tried to use one but I got such a small amount up that it isn't really worth the time at this point. Hopefully that will get better soon. I forgot to ask about sleeping but I feel like I shouldn't need to sleep elevated now, but it just feels weird flat on my bad. Besides I HATE sleeping on my back I like to curl up on my side which I obviously can't really do. 

My talking is getting quite better. It's obviously still not really clear but I haven't had to repeat myself a lot now so I'm thinking I'll try going back to work on Monday.  I've enjoyed these three weeks off work so much though but of course I need the money and I've lost over 400$ by not working so long. Sigh. 

Anyway, that's all I can think to say for now. Recovery slows down a lot at this point so there won't be much day to day improvement. I am hoping to God that I will be able to eat well for Christmas!! I'll be two months post op by then so I need to read some other blogs and see what their progress was at two months! Can you imagine Christmas without eating?!?! 

Well, I only have pictures from day 21 but I think that'll be fine because, like I said, not much improvement between each day. 

I'll post again on week four!  (unless something interesting happens before then) 

i took these on the way to toronto so my friend photobombed 

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Day 20

(was yesterday)
Anyway I saw my orthodontist andhe said   everything looks great. All of the girls were like freaking out because I looked so much different. He also twisted the poking wire back into place so smiling doesn't hurt anymore it just looks weird!! 

I visited my old  job at the retirement to say hello and the girls working didn't even recognize me at first! My old boss said I look like a totally different person which is good to hear. Imagine going through all of this and looking pretty much the same. hahaha. Only one of the residents recognize me at first, which was my favourite resident naturally haha. I went around saying hello to each table and they jut sort of looked at me like 'Hi random person we're trying to eat our dinner here' until I told them who I was and they were all like 'Oh my goodness I'm sorry you look so different!' They were all completely blown away with what I had done hahah. 

I also watched my best friend get her tattoo and I can't decide if it made me sure I want to get mine in January or if it scared me away. I guess if I can get through this ordeal I can do anything ahaha. 

Anyway that's all for day 20. I'll post for day 21 and then I'll just start doing weekly updates since not much changes daily anymore. 

Here are some pictures!

Monday, 18 November 2013

Day 19

Alright I'm on time for today! 
Nothing to report though really. I have an ortho appointment tomorrow, not really sure what he'll say/do but it's something to talk about hahaha. My life is so boring. 

Everyone says my swelling has come down alot and I mean I see it a bit but honestly it doesn't look any different to me day by day and I'm really fed up with the droopy right side. 
I ate a mushroom today sort of so that was my first actual food item. I just tore it into three small pieces stuck it in and swallowed. It was rather difficult to do so I only ate one but I love mushrooms so much they were impossible to pass up. 

We're going out on Sunday for my cousins birthday so I'll get to sit and watch everyone eat their meals while I potentially drink a milkshake. I still can't use a straw so I'm a bit wary of eating in public as I still dribble quite a bit and I can't rinse my mouth right away. 

Anyway that's it, I'm off to sleep and uncomfortable sleep sitting up unless I want to face the uncomfortable swollen tomorrow consequences. Sigh. 

Good day to you 
xx (by the way despite my British ending of x which I may have started because One Direction did it and I liked it a lot (bracketception; not just because I like One Direction) I am in fact Canadian) 
my mom took some pictures on her camera to send to my grandpa and I tried to smile oh my god my chin still hurts from laughing so hard I looked like I was possessed it is so bad) 

Day 18

I look like a serial killer when I smile. But no matter hhaha. Okay this is day 19 but I'm writing for day 18 because unsurprisingly I forgot last night.  
ANYWAY I can swallow my pills now so my drinks don't taste bad with the crushed pills now (:
I'm thinking that by Thursday, the three mark, I'll do weekly updates instead of daily because things are slowing down considerably progress wise. My swelling is going down slowly but surely (I can't wait until I stop looking so droopy in my right side) and my numbness is still the same (sigh). I think if I sum up each week it will be fine. 
Anyway ya that's really all I have to say for day 18...... day 19 will hopefully come tonight hahah. 

Day 17

(apparently it didn't publish properly so here it is very late) 
Hello day 17, it's been a pleasure sort of. 
I still don't have feeling in my chin, or in my bottom lip on the right, the right side of my face looks droopy and there's more pressure than usual on my teeth, I was up at 7:30 because sleeping upright and on my back is getting super old and Ticketmaster messed up my Miley Cyrus ticket order so now I have awful 300 sections seats what a pleasure. 
My mouth is torn from this damn wire, a bracket is loose from my tooth and something keeps moving/clicking (99% it's another bracket) so I'm looking forward to my Tuesday orthodontist appointment. 

Still I must stay positive or else this thing will probably kill me before my moms delicious smelling cooking does. I keep getting cravings. 'I could really go for some ________ right now.. oh wait I can't haha. hahaha haha. *begins to sob*'

Anyway, it's been a hell of a day. I watched   Tangled for the first time (I can't believe it came out three years ago now it's crazy how time flies. It was good though. Didn't make my favourite lost as far as Disney goes as I'm a sucker for the classic, reign of Disney movies (see Lion King, Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, Aladdin etc) but hey it was Disney and it WAS good considering Disney has been sort of disappointing as of late. 

I'm still on my liquids. The closest to 'food' I've gotten so far is mashed sweet potato blended with buckets of homogenized milk. Like I've said before, can't wait for straws. Can't wait for chewing, actually. Like real chewing. Like full blown fully healed jaw chewing. 

Anyway I'll let you get on with your lives for the night, I feel like I'm in far too much of a sarcastic mood right now so I don't want to continue on my negative outlooks of the day. 

Good night xxx

Friday, 15 November 2013

Day 16

Now for day 16, surprise surprise, everything is still the same. I literally don't notice anything different at all. People keep saying 'Oh well you're swellingis going   down' but I honestly don't see any difference between today and two days ago.
Still, I have an obligation to update. 
School is what I did today, and then write and then watch Supernatural.  I also tried a beginners online yoga class and wow am I ever unbalanced and unflexible. Ot also made my jaw feel weird and I started to drool during the downward dog so that was relaxing...
I'll try it again I should start exercising again but I don't know if I'll be motivated enough to stick with it. I can't wait to get out running again (I say as I lay in bed with my laptop) 

Anyway diet: same. Numbness: same. Discomfort: same. 

I am trying to wean myself off of the painkillers though. I'm done with my prescription and I moved to Tylenol but I don't enjoy putting their toxins into my body more than I have to, onthe other hand though they really work. 
I'm forcing myself to love on one a day for the time being; half in the morning half at night. We'll see how that works. I seem to be okay it just causes a bitmore discomfort   than usual but it's liveable. 

I've said it before but I really can't wait for swelling to be over with because right now I look like I have chubby cheeks and somewhat of a double chin, plus the buck teeth look from the splint. Not very becoming. 
Anyway I'm off to spend the next twenty minutes cleaning my mouth. Until tomorrow fellow surgery goers. 
ps i changed my theme the other one was getting on my nerves so I just went back to simple

Day 15

Here's day fifteen better late than never. 
Still not much to say really. My lip is still numb in the right side, which is still swollen considerably more than the left, as is my chin. Normal, I think, at only two weeks. I'm counting myself really lucky though even though it's not the most fun experience as I had yellow bruising in a small patch under my chin for about three days and that was it, plus my swelling really isn't THAT bad. Still I don't enjoy looking so lopsided and droopy on my right side I hope it isn't permanent. 

I tried to eat a pancake too. I though I could open wide enough to stuff it in and just mash it on the roof of my mouth but I was sadly mistaken. Sigh. 

Theres a wire poking out too, so every time my lips move it catches on the inside of my cheek and it hurts a lot. I stopped by the orthodontist to get some wax but they're closed on holidays until the 18. What fun. 

Anyway that's about all I have to say today. Nothing is acting up and I'm in the same discomfort I've been in all week, just with the added wire. I tried to get pictures of my teeth like I said I would but they didn't turn out. 

Well, that's about everything. Here are some pictures (:
ps ye i am wearing my onesie again its the best thing to change into after school <3 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


Another day,another week. Two weeks in today wow.... so unbelievable. Of course, as Dr Barr said yesterday, already two weeks is still only two weeks. 
Swelling keeps going down slowly but surely so I'm LOOKING better but I feel pretty much the same. My chin is still tingly and pain med don't help much it just sort of comes and fades as it pleases so I live through it. 
Eating habits are the same. Assorted smoothies and Boost while my family eats delicious smelling meals yippee for me. My mom made sloppy joes tonight aka one of my favourite things ever so ya thanks mom. 
Anyway school has been pretty easy catching up wise thus far and my test was pushed to next week so as far as I know I am mow expected to do it? My teacher still has yet to supply me with the notes I asked for though so I can't do much study wise. This isn't a jaw issue though so moving on. 

My one tooth feels weird still but I foun out it's the one right under the elastic so I'm thinking it's just the pressure. Can adult teeth even just fall out anyway? I don't really know but I'm thinking no...
I took my elastics out  again for brushing and it felt even weirder like my jaw felt so heavy it was weird. I manage to open pretty wide though but my jaw feels odd now so I'm giving it a bit of a rest.  
I need these stitches out now though everyone keeps making me laugh curse my funny friends/life situations it is causing such pain. It feels like they're actually ripping out sometimes! 

Numbess is the same as my last update. The only thing that's changed is that my bottom lip on the left is completely back so it isn't a weird tingly in between state anymore which os good. I want the other half back though it's making my right side look all droopy and uneven. 
Speaking of uneven I noticed that my teeth, well I don't know if it's the actual jaw or the splint causing it, but they aren't running straight. Like the teeth on top move upwards to the right if that makes sense. I'll try to get a picture of it tomorrow while my elastics are out if I can remember. My left molars also don't feel lined up when I run my teeth along them. It feels like my top jaw is still smaller than the bottom but moved to the right. So the right molars are all good but it's uneven on the left. I forgot to ask the Dr about it so I have to remember to ask next appointment. I mean I want to say to myself 'They're the surgeons they moved the jaws where they wanted them' but it just feels wrong so I don't know what to think! 

People keep saying I'm really brave for going through with surgery and I guess I am but to be completely honest I had absolutely no idea of jut how awful the first week was. And I knew I would be on this liquid diet thing and all swollen for a long time after but when you're post op and still eating real food with a non swollen face it seems like no big deal. Well, it is and I am so tired. I want to eat real food when will this be satisfied no one knows. 

I really want to get back to work but I'm also enjoying this  time off. I also still can't talk really though and I work at Tim Hortons so it's a bit problematic. I'm leaving the decision making to Monday. 

Well that's about all I have to say for today, here are some pictures! xx
all i can manage smile wise. better but creepy. 

love my left side 
my right needs some time hahah 
another creepy smile to end the day 

Day 13

Soooo I missed posting yesterday again but oh well. 
I had my appointment with Dr Barr and it was literally like five minutes. All he said was that I can take my elastics off to brush and eat (if I want to) 
I did that and it felt SO WEIRD. I felt like my lower jaw was going to just fall right lff it was really loose. I couldn't figure out how to get them back on in the same spot he had them though so I just hooked them on, he said it didn't really matter if it was exactly the same. It feels different though 
Also one of my bottom molars feels weird, almost like its a bit loose but I can't really tell because it's in the braces and all. Maybe it's just because of the pressure? I don't know , I'm just a bit worried that if I put the elastics on wrong it might affect my jaw ... but Dr Barr said there really isn't much that can change it at this point so 
My stitches should be coming out in. the next few weeks too which will be nice cause smiling/laughing is still extremely painful. 
Not much else happened. I used my last pain pill so I'm moving to plain old Tylenol because I definitely can't go without any medication yet, especially over night. Speaking of which sleeping elevated is getting so annoying but if I sleep flat my jaw feels weird and it's sort of painful. I can't wait until I can sleep on my side again, I miss curling up. So many things we take for granted that our jaw affect hahah.  
Anyway that's about all. I was a bit more swollen than usual I think but I'm not really worried about it. 
Looking forward to straw drinking but its still a while in the future. I can't even close my lips together yet. But it will be way easier to eat while I'm out. I get so hungry at school (thank god I'm not there all day) and I can't eat at school :( 

Anway, here are some pictures (:
this is how much I can smile at this point before it starts to hurt. This is still fairly uncomfortable. Of course, everything is uncomfortable right now. 

Monday, 11 November 2013

Day 12

Well I survived my day back to school but it rained so I think the weather was trying to say yes you should have stayed home but who knows, I'll look for a sign to stay home in anything. 
Everyone told me I looked 'cute' with my chubby cheeks which I don't know how to feel about. I can't wait for the swelling to go down more though. Especially since at this point it's lopsided and my right side looks all droopy and weird. 
Anyway my test ended up being moved back a week by my begging classmates and very nice teacher so I'm not sure if I'll have to do it yet I forgot to ask. All in all I'm not TOO far behind. 

Anyway, I feel pretty much the same as yesterday except a lot less fun because I don't get to be lazy. Aside from that I'm down to two pain pills a day but the pain isn't really THAT bad, I'm just a major wimp. My chin is all tingly though and I've yet to determine whether or not I find jt painful. It's not a horrible pain, but It definitely isn't very comfortable. It's sort of like a throbbing except it's a sharp pain rather than the normal dull throbbing we usually get with a general cut or stubbed toe. I also had to sneeze today but I withheld so I'm still here. I refuse to sneeze during this process as I am extremely scared of the unknown outcome. 
I'll be seeing my surgeon tomorrow but I'm not really sure what to except. Despite the countless blogs I've read I'm not exactly sure what they do at the (almost) two week mark. I hope they remove my splint though, even just for the  appointment. It desperately needs cleaning. My entire mouth needs the equivalent of a car wash, I mean my infant brush and proxy brush and rinse can do so much when I'm elasticized shut and can't open my mouth/move my lips.  
I'm going to try driving to school tomorrow too. My moms going with me in case I decide I'm not ready but hopefully it's all good because I'm not taking the bus I absolutely refuse. 
Anyway I'm not sure what else there is to say about today other than I'm growing extremely weary of Boost and smoothies. 
first time in almost two weeks with makeup on 
still hard to believe this is what i look like now 

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Day 11

Sunday marks day eleven and I have moved back into my room.... I have to say I miss my little nest downstairs. I can also say I am not at all looking forward to school tomorrow. This recovery week went by way too fast I enjoyed laying on the pullout couch watching my shows and reading and writing and over all doing very little productive work. But alas, the time has come for me to re enter to social world. Luckily I only have school until noon every day (period four islunch  at 12 and I have a fifth period spare :D) Not sure how I'll manage hunger wise though. Usually by second period I'm starving but maybe because I haven't been eating as much I'll be able to last. 
Today I went to the movie to see Out of Africa, its an old one. The theatre was playing it for their Classic Film things and my mom and I were the only ones in the theatre so that was cool. My best friend also came over so it was the first time she's seen me. She says I look 'cute' with my chubby cheeks. She also said when she saw my first picture on facebook she had to check the name because she almost didn't recognize me so I'll take that as a good sign. 
I drank an Orange Julius strawberry colada today too which we asked for watered down and the girl serving us sao she had the exact same thing done! I can't believe the amount of people I've run into or been told about who've had it. I really didn't know it was so common!
I've still got swelling, but its mainly on my right side. My mom says that on the left I look almost normal if she didn't jnow any better but the right is still puffy and a but droopier than the other, maybe because it's more numb than the left. The girl on cash at Value Village asked if I'd had my
wisdom teeth removed and I just shook my head sadly as my mom explained that it was far far worse. My bottom lip is all tingly to the touch on the left side but totally numb on the right still. My chin is completely numb also but that's it at this point which is good! I'm drinking without a cup and barely dribbling, if at all! 
My next appointment with my surgeon is Tuesday and then I'll finally be seeing my ortho next Tuesday the 19th (and then off the Paramore on the 20th!! Hopefully I can sing a bit more by then!) 

Well it's late and I'm looking at a very early morning lucky me, so I'll leave you with some pictures! xx 

still fairly puffy on this side. 

but fairly normal here.


Saturday, 9 November 2013

Day 10

I just fully realized that I'm making post surgery posts now. Incredible. It feels like just yesterday I was stressing out and wishing the surgeon would call with my damn date already.
Like I said yesterday, things are getting loads better, thank god. There is barely any pressure at this point, and not much pain. I'm taking my medication whenever I feel I need it (as long as it's been longer than five hours) and I can go quite a bit longer than the five. I still haven't managed to motivate myself to keep eating often so I'm not exactly keeping my nutrition and weight up well..I'll probably go and drink a Boost after posting this because I feel bad.
My family has also left me for the day for my brothers hockey tournament and of course, today of all days, people keep deciding to call the house. Sorry people, I can't answer on account of I can't talk.
 I don't have too much to say today, it was just a plain old boring day. Had some boost, cleaned my mouth/teeth, watched Supernatural, wrote my NaNo, was lazy. There isn't much else to do really when you're recovering from jaw surgery. Normally I'd be eating my boredom away but we all know that isn't going to happen. I did manage to have my first post op cup of tea though. It took me a good twenty minutes and it felt weirder to drink than anything else for some reason.
I've also started yawning again. Not as often as I did pre surgery, but at night before I go to bed I have to fight the urge to yawn. A few times I haven't been able to hold it back and let me tell you it is the weirdest thing ever. First I feel like I'm about to rip my jaw open and yawn, so I have to put my hand (gently, I had genioplasty also) on my chin and hold it in place while I attempt to yawn through a clenched, closed jaw. Uncomfortable, and also it makes my left ear pop. And not the usual, daily random popping where the sound changes a little bit either. No, it's like there was a block over my ear and suddenly I can hear like, EVERYTHING. Not sure how I feel about this yet's weird, that's for sure. I'll be making sure I'm caught up on sleep to keep it at a minimum, that's for sure!
I'm hoping I'll feel good to drive on Monday. Not really sure if there's any protocol on that one...I know I can't exactly turn my neck well as it hurts my jaw a bit and even though I don't do shoulder checks as often as I should, there are some situations where it's definitely necessary....however, I refuse to take the bus because for some reason the bumps are 100 time worse on a bus than in my car which will not be pleasant for my jaw for obvious reasons.
Anyway, I just wanted  to give a little update so I don't forget and end up missing it again haha. I would post pictures but I literally look the same as I did the last time I posted so. I'll post some tomorrow though just for kicks. I personally don't think the swelling has gone down anymore yet but who knows maybe I just haven't noticed.
I also can't smile. Not even a little one, not without it hurting at least, as my family knows very well when they keep making me laugh. Even then my lips move like a fraction of an inch so it doesn't look like I'm smiling anyway.
God I just can't wait to finally be able to see the bite I've gone through this torture for! I just have to keep reminding myself that before I know it I'll be saying one  month, five months, a year post op and this will all be a distant memory and I'll be chomping down on a delicious sandwich that is not followed by entrails hanging from my teeth.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Day 9

Well, we're nearing the end of day 9. This is SO weird. I remember just last week I was perusing other jaw surgery blogs making my way to day 9 and thinking 'My god this is so far, am I ever even going to make it to day 9?!'
Good news: I have! And the pressure on my teeth has alleviated so much so other than the fact that I still feel pretty weak, and I still can't actually close my lips/mouth together but we'll give it time.
I finally finished my school work (hurrah) so I've got the weekend free of responsibility. Until Monday. When I go back to school. Which also means I have to leave the nest I've created this past week on the pull out couch in the living room and return to my room which will feel incredibly weird as I haven't actually slept there in over a week now....
Anyway, I haven't used ice packs in a long time now and I've only taken one pill today for pain so things are definitely looking up. I've been really lucky in my recovery so far in my opinion regarding swelling and pain and bruising (the yellow is practically gone now as far as I can see). I even managed to sleep in until 11:30 today!
I'm just really looking forward to the end of recovery so I can fully experience my new bite. I already have my first real meal planned, a Malibu chicken caesar wrap from a local restaurant called Red Rock Canyon. SO good, and finally I can bite into it like a normal person!!!
So funny when I enthuse about these things to my friends and family. They all look at me like "'re excited about...biting into sandwiches". But if you're in the same boat as me, you totally know what I'm talking about!
I'm just so in love with my swollen face right now I can't imagine what it's going to be like when the swelling has gone down.
Anyway, I should probably get back to writing  my NaNo considering I am WAY behind.

Good night! xx

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Day 8

I am posting to you from, surprise, the actual day!
Nothing too interesting happened today really.....I'm still taking my pain medication, but I haven't had the Ibuprofen for a few days. I found that even when it's been ground up really small and mixed into a smoothie, the pieces are still so bitter and they actually burn going down my throat. It's extremely unpleasant and my swelling hasn't been bad at all, so I just quit.
Yesterday was my last day for antibiotics, so I'm assuming that they don't expect any infections as long as I keep my mouth clean? Here's hoping haha.
I didn't eat much today now that I look back..probably not a good thing. My mom keeps telling me I need to be eating even when I'm not hungry, but it just takes so much effort to eat/drink anything and then clean myself up afterwards that I just don't feel like it (not feeling like eating...that's a first). We don't have a scale in the house so I can't say how much I've lost at this point, but I went into surgery at approximately 127 pounds. I've been in pajama pants this entire time and I wore a long skirt to the movies and I haven't noticed much change in fit, so I'm not really sure what to say.
I took a good look at my teeth today and noticed (I had sort of forgotten this was being fixed) that my teeth are now lined up! Like the midline, or whatever it is! That makes me even happier (:
So now my face will be even instead of my right cheek being larger. I also noticed that my nose looks a lot different now that my jaw is in the right place! Weird how one section of your face can alter the look of everything else!

Monday is back to school (Yippee......) so I'm frantically trying to finish those two essays my teacher gave me as alternate assignments (hopefully they don't expect it on the day I'm back...) and to finish my ISU novel for English as I'm only half done. It's a weird year for me, usually I would already be on my fourth book but I just haven't been in a reading mood lately. Maybe it's just the book, who knows.

Anyway, there isn't much else to say about today it was quite boring so, I bid you farewell for the night fellow jaw surgery goers! xx

MILESTONE - Day 7!!!

Cant believe its been a week already!!!! Wow (actually its Thursday at the time o writing but i forgot to post last night sorry x) 
I made quite a bit of progress food wise. My syringe officially broke so I was basically forced to start drinking from a cup but I was supposed to start anyway so oh well. I actually did pretty well I think for first time, hardly any dribbling at all! 
I drank some soup and Boost and my medication, and I even drank some mashed sweet potatoes (my favourite) watered down with a bit of milk so it wasn't too thick (or else it gets stuck in my upper lip. I'm not quite atspoon stage   because of that) 
My skin is also super dry like all over my face but mainly my nose I hate it! I've been putting Vaseline on my lips as well as Eucerin intensive lip balm which is great stuff, and I put Vaseline on my face mainly my nose too idk if that does anything but my mom says its good for dry skin so we'll see. I usually do a facewash  thing but seeing as I have to really rub my face I don't think my jaw is ready for that just yet!  
I also went out into public yesterday (other than my appointment which I don't count because I literally only passed one person on the way in and out). I went to the movies with my mom (we have this alternative film group in my city so not like the regular movies it's at the theatre down town) It was a really good Danish movie which i dont remember the name but it was about a teacher wrongly accused of touching a little girl and how it affects his life. Really moving I highly recommend it. 
Anyway I also managed to get some school work done so theres one out of two projects done (well 2/3 theres still a bjt left but I got lazy). I've missed an entire unit of my world issues class and the test is the day I return (I dont have to do it) so catching up will be fun. My next appointment with Dr Barr is the second day back to school at eleven but luckily my class is doing the second part of the test so I won't be missing even MORE school. High school problems- miss a day and you catch up for two. A week is much much worse. 
I also began my NaNoWriMo novel which since its a week in already I dont think I'll finish in time but oh well it's incentive to actually finish something I suppose.
Swelling on my left side has gone down a bit since day 6, but the right is still a bit yellow and swollen pretty much the same amount. 
Still have minimal lip control and my   bottom is still numb but I have all feeling in the top lip and nose (which I have to get repierced :( ) The only part still num right now is my chin right under my bottom lip, I've got feeling on both cheeks so thats good I think right. 
I also managed to fit my proxy brush in behind my teeth so the other side is a bit cleaner which feels nice. I hate my teeth being dirty but I've managed to get them as clean as I can. Still there are extremely hard to reach places still not as clean as I'd like and it irritates me a lot. 
But oh well what can ya do :P 

There are twin girls at me school ( a year older) and our parents sort of know each other and apparently they're both having the same surgery and they're doing iy at he same time!! Next time my mom see's their parents she'll be giving themfair warning   hahah! It's bad enough having one person down, but two? I can't even imagine! 

Well I'll leave with some pictures I guess, hope everyone is having a lovely day (: xxx