For some reason my June self decided it was perfectly acceptable to make an appointment for 9:40 in the summer, meaning I had to wake up at 8:45am...........this is a girl who sleeps in until 11-12 every day after going to bed at 2 am. Then I had to go into work for 1 after a glorious 4 days spent down at my cottage, and while backing out of my driveway, trying carefully to maneuver my car between the telephone pole located dangerously close to the driveways edge, and the van belonging to a woman who was meeting my mom (my mom is going to watch her son before and after school, so they were just meeting) anyway, I turned to sharply and hit the van, putting a pretty sizeable dent in the sliding door, so I'll be paying for that repair out of pocket. If I go through insurance, I'll have to pay an extra $65 a month and that isn't happening so. She got an estimate today and said it was pretty pricey, but she's shopping around. My mom's guessing anywhere from $500 to $1000 though, so that should be just awesome.
I'm a person who really really hates spending money, I save save save, and I stress over the smallest decrease in my account. I've FINALLY reached a goal of $10,000 saved (mainly for university) and I'm currently looking to buy a new laptop. So now, rather than shelling out about $800, I'll be spending even more. I just can't believe it happened ,and I've been playing it over in my head all day just thinking of what ifs and could haves. Luckily the woman was nice about it, but still. It just really really sucks.
Anyway, then I was ten minutes late to work (partly because of the whole van debacle) but also because I was stuck in construction traffic on the yeah, fun fun day for Ellen (not).
Incidentally, my teeth are KILLING me right now after having my braces tightened, getting c chains on once again, and having a new placement for my elastics. Apparently my bottom jaw has started coming forward again (awesome! ha ha...ha. .....ha) so I guess the elastics are going to push it back, but damn they hurt. I feel like I want to rip all of my teeth right out of my skull.
Anyway, no word on the braces removal, but my next appointment isn't until October (a few weeks after my three years of braces mark, and about 20 days shy of my one year since surgery date)
I'm not sure how the next month and a bit will change things, but you know. I've really given up hope and now I'm just resigning myself to the braces and playing it by year.
So I'm really not sure what the time frame looks like right now, but I'm pretty stressed and emotionally drained right now so I'm trying not to think about it right now honestly.
Well, that's really all I've got to say for now. Have a gander at some post surgery pictures of my face.
Thanks for reading (: