I can't believe I didn't post this yesterday but I'm so excited to say that I HAVE NO BRACES!!!!! There are still some flaws with my teeth and bite in my opinion...like the front teeth aren't perfectly in line, and my teeth still don't really bite together perfectly (will the retainer help with that? I'm getting it tomorrow so we'll see.) But yeah I don't know like it would be nice to fix it all but it's been almost four years and I'm starting school and I'm just so tired of them. Besides my bite is way better than it used to be anyway so it's like whatever.
I'm getting an invisilign (spelling??) retainer so I'm glad that's a thing. A girl I work with has one and I didn't even notice the entire year I worked with her so that goes to show how good they are at the whole invisible thing. I hate this day I had between getting them off and getting the retainer though, I feel like my teeth are shifting already and I know it's probably just psychological but it's freaking me out.
ANYWAY here are some pictures of me sans braces. Actually I'm starting with the last picture of me with braces I took.


I also got new glasses o it's a whole bew look (kind of...my new glasses are pretty similar to my old ones so)