Monday, 20 August 2012

paper work

ok so here are some of the official ortho paper work that says what exactly is wrong with my jaw. (if you're new, just click on the photo to enlarge it)
- facial profile appears concave
- downward and backward growth pattern
- small upper jaw, large lower jaw
- side bite is not well meshed
- lower teeth bite in front of top teeth
- severe crowding in the upper and lower (it's cut off but i'm assuming they would mean the teeth)
- insufficient space available for adult teeth
- top jaw is narrow relative to the lower jaw
- upper and lower center lines to not coincide
-lower jaw is possibly growing asymmetrically
- upper right and left cuspids are impacted
again, this was quite a few years ago and it's worded much differently because this was given to my parents in order for them to understand exactly what was going on

-facial asymmetry noted mandible to the left (no clue what "mandible" they are referring to, but its basically what i said about my jaws not being centered with each other)
- lip competence at rest (not really sure)
- slight retrognathic maxilla (also not really sure. so many medical terms!)
- no crepitis in joint and no limitation of opening
- dental classification III
- skeletal classification III
- mandibular prognathia
- overjet is -4mm
- overbite is less that 1mm (not sure about this one, seeing as i have an underbite..)
- maxillary midline to the right 2mm
- mild maxillary crowding
- severe mandibular crowding (oh! so i'm guessing maxillary and mandibular or whatever are the names for both jaws? why they can't just stick with top and bottom doesn't make sense at all)
- bilateral crossbite present
- #14 and #24 are absent (teeth i'm pretty sure)
- #11 has a veneer as it was injured prior to erupting (this is a tooth that i damaged when i was younger)
- maxillary construction noted
SO, all of this doesn't make too much sense to me but...hey, it's part of my orthodontic work. This is also paper work from when i was young, though I'm not sure of exactly when. It says near the bottom that no treatment is indicated, so I assume it was quite a lone time ago,

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