Wednesday 4 December 2013

Week Five!

Lalalala hello jaw people I am here wriin to you on the actual day of the fifth week, amazing!
Plus I have a splint removal date! It's coming off next Thursday, plus on the day before that I get nee glasses so it should be a fun week hahah. My swelling is going down soooo slow now though but there is definitely more to go. My numbness is still exactly the same as last week sadly but hey it's only been a month so I'm not worried yet. 

I've been venturing into different foods. I even swallowed pieces of chocolate cake (they got stuck in my braces though so that part wasn't fun) But ya really anything I can fit in there and swallow hole works! Can't wait til chewing though   

Dr Barr says everything is looking really great though, just the way it's supposed to so that's uplifting :) 

I'm going to try to start swimming again next Monday too so we'll see how that goes, but unfortunately he says I shouldn't try hockey until next year which sucks but I don't want to risk my jaws safety! I never want to go through this again!! 

Anyway there isn't too much to report except that we're gearing up for Christmas and I can hardly eat any of the good yet UGH. I better be able to eat by the time true Christmas rolls around or I swear....

Anyway, here are my week five pictures. See you next Wednesday! xx

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